21 Nov 2009

Magic Art - Happy Graduation Scrapbook and card

Congratulation ! You MADE it!
This is a scrapbook I made. I used the photos we took on the date of my sister's graduation day.
On the right hand side, I used the flowers and eyelets to show my sister's name. The above title - HAPPY - these alphabets are made by soft clay and floral paper is used to place on them. The below title - GRADUATION - they are made by different patterns' board papers.

Here is the graduation card - the graduation cap and the certificate both are made in 3D, which can make them stand out from the card.

Magic Art - Birthday Card - simple card with a lazy cat

Magic Art - Birthday Card - Opppps! I missed your birthday.

Magic Art - Birthday Card - A girl with a little bird

Magic Art - Birthday Card - praying best wishes for you

Magic Art - Birthday Card - An angel wishes you 'Happy Birthday'.